
Welcome to the NPI

The NPI is a highly specialised centre for the treatment of people with personality disorders. Personality disorders do not develop overnight. Often, the process takes place over several years, during which a pattern develops about how a person thinks and acts and feels. In our treatments, we focus heavily on the background of the issues and problems that people experience. This makes it possible to identify new ways of dealing with those problems. The aim is to bring about a tangible and permanent improvement in an individual’s functioning.

You can receive treatment at the NPI if you experience problems relating to the way in which your personality has developed. You may experience a permanent feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself, or repeatedly experience the same problems in relationships with others, or perhaps you have difficulty completing your education or retaining a job. This is often expressed in such problems as depression, anxiety or recurring traumatic memories. These problems continue to recur despite previous forms and courses of treatment and/or medication.

Closely involved persons

Are you a partner, parent, family member or friend of a person with a personality disorder? Relatives and those in the client’s circle can also contact the NPI for advice.

Dealing with a person with a personality disorder can be complex, fascinating and also demanding for people in that person’s support network. As a person closely involved with someone with a personality disorder, you may be faced with conflicts, tension, a lack of understanding from others and other difficult situations. Family and friends may find it difficult if a person often withdraws into themselves, always sets high standards for themselves and for others, or responds with unexpected emotional outbursts or impulsive behaviour. It is difficult to deal with these situations, and friendships and relationships may come under considerable pressure as a result.


As a rule, it helps to:

  • Be well informed about the personality disorder;
  • Set and monitor your own boundaries. Reach clear agreements;
  • See negative behaviour in isolation from the individual;
  • Express your appreciation for things that do go well;
  • Take a step back;
  • Continue your own activities and maintain your own social contacts;
  • Be clear and realistic about what is expected of you if you recognise or offer support in crisis situations.

If you are interested in receiving treatment from the NPI, you should first discuss the situation with your GP (general practioner) or current treatment provider. They can refer you to the NPI. It is not possible to plan an intake interview with us directly. We are happy to explain the referral procedure to the NPI. If you have any questions about referral, please contact the Central Registration by phoning on 020 590 5555 (+31 20 590 5555 if phoning from outside the Netherlands).

Registration via your GP

You can ask your GP or your current treatment provider for a referral letter.

Information about the intake

As soon as we receive a referral letter from your GP or current treatment provider then, based on the information in the referral letter as well as the details of any previous treatment, Arkin’s Central Registration (CAA) will determine whether treatment at the NPI is appropriate. We may need to ask further questions. One of the practitioners at CAA will then contact you and/or your GP/referring physician. If the screening reveals that treatment at the NPI is not appropriate for your particular issues, we will inform you and the referring physician accordingly. If treatment at the NPI is appropriate, we will call you to make an appointment. Depending on our waiting lists, this may take some time. The intake interview will be confirmed by letter addressed to you and your referring physician and you will also receive an email containing login details for your own digital account where you can obtain more information to prepare for your intake interview. In the letter in which we confirm your intake interview, you will also be asked to bring the following documents with you (or to have copies made during the intake):

  • copy of a valid ID document (passport or driving licence);
  • Citizens Services Number (social security number)

Read more about our intake procedure here (Dutch).

Range of treatments we provide

We have a restricted range of treatments available. We offer the following treatments in English:

Telephone consultation for clients

If you have any questions, please contact Arkin’s Central Registration, or call us during the weekly client consultation hour: every Wednesday from 12:00 to 13:00 hours on 020 590 4700 (+31 20 590 4700 if phoning from outside the Netherlands).


For people with insurance in the Netherlands, treatment at the NPI is covered by the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet). In certain cases, your insurer may inform you that they have no contract with the NPI. However, the NPI is part of the Arkin organisation and all Dutch health insurers have a contract with Arkin. Treatment by the NPI will be covered under this contract.

Rights, duties and privacy

The NPI guarantees to protect the privacy of its clients. NPI clients have the right to privacy, the right of access and the right to rectification with regard to their personal data.


Personal data protection is governed by laws and regulations. We take great care to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data. Privacy regulations are consistently applied across the entire Arkin organisation, including at the NPI. These regulations outline the rules by which our employees are bound when it comes to handling personal data and files. You can read the complete set of  here. You can also request a copy from our secretariat by calling 020 590 4700 (+31 20 590 4700 if calling from outside the Netherlands).

When you are registered as a client at the NPI, we will create a file for you. This file contains your personal data, treatment plan as well as notes about your course of treatment. The general retention period for client files is at least 15 years; we will not keep your file for any longer than necessary. The NPI takes great care to ensure that your data is safely stored and that it does not get lost or end up in the hands of unauthorised parties.

It is important to us at the NPI that we provide you with effective and efficient treatment. In the interest of your treatment it is sometimes necessary for your therapist to share information from your file with another Arkin colleague. This only occurs if it is deemed necessary and if it contributes to finding an appropriate solution for you. Our commitment to transparency means that this exchange of information will always be discussed with you.

Access and copy

You have the right to access your personal file. You can also request rectification of any information you believe may be factually incorrect or irrelevant. You can ask your therapist if you wish to access your file. You can obtain a copy of your file by submitting a request in writing.